Are You Selling Your Home This Winter?

Selling your home in the winter is an excellent idea and we’re glad you thought of it. Now, before you get all excited about changing your address with Santa, you will first need to list the property for sale. This part of the process involves capturing great snaps of the interior and exterior of your home, which are designed to attract the right kind of buyers.

Most realtors provide photography services but there are two potential pitfalls you will want to avoid. The first is bad photography. The last thing you want is your home looking like a site location from a Hitchcock movie unless that’s something you think will appeal to the target buyer. The second issue is cost. Unless photography is included as part of a flat fee, chances are you end up paying a crazy additional fee.

Framing your Home
Framing in photography is a technique used to show a scene from a particular perspective. The subject in realtor photography is typically a room, walls, or other features of interest. The best results are achieved when the photographer does not over exaggerate the size or aesthetics. Your potential buyers will quickly establish the difference when they visit the property.

Light & Shadow
Remember we alluded to horror-house photography? Light and shadows can enhance or detract from the appearance of a property. Capturing these elements when they obscure the appealing features in and around your home will not attract buyers. An experienced realtor photographer will exploit light and shadows to paint a picture of a cozy and comfortable home.

Are you considering selling your home this winter? Autumn is the perfect time of year to capture the essence of your home before the snow flies. Voila! offers a flat-fee realtor service that includes photography. We know how to frame your home, making the most of light and shadow, to ensure that the right buyers are encouraged to request a viewing.

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